Information Letter to the clients of LCG Capital Markets Limited (a.k.a. “FlowBroker”)

LCG Capital Markets Limited (additional trade name “FlowBroker”) is wholly owned by FlowBank SA, a Swiss Regulated entity until June 13, 2024. On that date, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) opened bankruptcy proceedings against FlowBank SA. FINMA appointed Walder Wyss SA, succursale de Genève, 14 rue du Rhône, P.O Box, 1211 Geneva 3 as bankruptcy liquidators (the Liquidators). The place of jurisdiction for the bankruptcy is FlowBank SA head office in Geneva. This has effectively stopped FlowBank SA operations.

LCG Capital Markets Limited maintains funds with accounts at FlowBank SA. Due to significant agreements between LCG Capital Markets Limited and FlowBank SA, the appointment of the Liquidators has currently made it impossible for LCG Capital Markets Limited to carry out its operations.

We draw reference to section 25 of our Terms and Conditions, which provides as follows:

FORCE MAJEURE EVENTS We may, in our reasonable opinion, determine that an emergency or an exceptional market condition exists which may prevent us from performing any or all of our obligations (a Force Majeure Event). Following the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, we will inform BHS (ourselves) and take reasonable steps to inform you.

Force Majeure Events includes the following events: (i) any act, event or occurrence (including any strike, riot or civil commotion, industrial action, acts and regulations of any governmental or supra national bodies or authorities) that, in our reasonable opinion, prevents us from maintaining an orderly market in one or more of the indices/markets in respect of which we ordinarily accept transactions;

At the time of this writing, LCG Capital Markets Limited has engaged the Liquidators. We will update you as more information becomes available to us. For any additional inquiries, clients can continue to contact Customer Support at Email:

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

Los CFDs son instrumentos complejos y conllevan un alto riesgo de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. Tenga en cuenta que el 71% de nuestras cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero al invertir en CFDs. Debe considerar si entiende cómo funcionan los CFDs y si puede permitirse el alto riesgo de perder dinero.

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Operar con CFDs es de alto riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todo el mundo.
With coronavirus volatility and remote work, people are turning to day trading
  • Day traders buy and sell financial instruments within a single trading day

  • Short-term trading is leveraged and requires specific knowledge and experience to manage risk while optimizing results

  • Online brokers such as LCG are seeing increased interest in trading, LCG has extended its range of educational service


London, April 9, 2020: As the coronavirus has continued to spread, many businesses have asked their employees to work from home and equipped them with high-speed laptops and smartphones. Amid an economic collapse and layoff spikes, some people  have elected day trading as a part-time activity.

According to experts from LCG, day trading requires developing a detailed strategy and the consistent execution of a trading plan. With spare time at home, the occasional trader can become a day trader.

Markets are observing unprecedented times and significant worldwide economic disruption, but experienced traders know that volatility is offers extra potential as long as the additional risk is understood.

”Price moves that typically take weeks to materialize are happening in hours. Things like the price of oil losing two-third of its value in the first three months of this year are capturing the public imagination. But capturing this volatility is far from a given and many traders get caught offside by not adjusting quickly enough. Having a trading strategy that can adapt parameters like profit targets and stop losses is paramount, explains Jasper Lawler, the Head of Research and Education at the LCG (LCG).

Day trading is the practice of buying and selling a financial asset within a single trading day. Known as day traders, investors that follow this practice sometimes make use of financial leverage. This means taking bigger positions relative to the amount of funds they have to trade which can lead to bigger wins and losses. Day trading is most commonly seen in the foreign exchange and stock markets.

Due to the short time frame involved and the use of leverage to maximize profits, day trading is normally reserved for investors that are knowledgeable about the financial markets. The trader must develop a clear strategy and have enough discipline to stick to it.  Day traders focus their activity on only a few assets, opening their positions on the market throughout a trading day and closing them before it ends.

Following the latest economic news and events is important to a day trader. It helps to understand them how a specific asset will perform over the coming day and allows to adjust their strategy accordingly. Technical analysis is also central to developing an idea of how a given asset may move.

LCG is seeing an increased interest from people wanting to take advantage of volatile markets. The number of those looking for information on mobile devices related to daily affairs analysis, trading psychology and strategy have risen by 25 %. According to the online brokerage firm, traders now spend more time on learning risk management techniques via webinars and expert analysis on market movements via social media as well as specialized thematic cheat-sheets to reflect the current market opportunities.

LCG offers trading to its clients on the trading platform

Advertencia de Riesgo: la negociación de Contratos por Diferencia (CFD) conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital y puede resultar en pérdidas que exceden su depósito inicial. Las operaciones de CFD pueden no ser adecuadas para todos, por lo tanto, asegúrese de comprender completamente los riesgos involucrados. LCG Capital Markets Limited (LCG BHS) es una compañía registrada en la Mancomunidad de las Bahamas con el número de registro: 200271 B. LCG BHS está autorizada y regulada por la Securities Commission of Bahamas (SCB) con licencia No. SIA-F194. La dirección registrada de LCG BHS es: Sassoon House, Shirley Street y Victoria Avenue, Nassau en la isla de New Providence, P.O.BOX SS-5383, Bahamas. Lea atentamente la divulgación de riesgos relevante, disponible aquí Documentación legal

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